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Mixed's not so scary after all!

My name is Jennifer Burns....and I'm a pinterest addict....(as most everyone is these days). I feel better now just being honest with you all. I look at everything and I have boards for EVERYTHING! I can't stress "everything" enough.

I, of course, have a "painting" board too among my eclectic spans of pinned interests. I love to get inspiration from different artists. I NEVER EVER cross the line of copying a piece...that is sacrilege in the artist world, but I love seeing what everyone else is doing and pushing myself to explore my boundaries. I'm drawn to big color and texture. The more texture the better!

Naturally mixed media has been on my radar. What better way to add texture BUT I've always been kind of nervous of mixed media too and adding things to a painting that are not "conventional". Basically I was concerned that people wouldn't take it seriously and if I can't be taken seriously...was I really an artist?

If we're going to continue down the trail of "honesty" then I'm not an overly serious person which made me think, "why of why am I so worried about being serious over just doing what I want; what inspires me?" Really isn't that what art is all about?

Away I went to my kitchen, and what I brought back to my art room might shock you but I think the over-all concept speaks for itself. The fine array of items looked more suited for dinner than a painting and even then I hesitated again. Why did I care so much? I guess ultimately I just want to be liked and if people didn't like my art maybe that meant they didn't like me? I'm not sure but I second guess myself a lot. There are so many talented artists I've come to know and admire. I want that same consideration someday....and all of a sudden this blog got WAY TOO DEEP but you know what I mean...we all just want to be proud, no matter what we do. This need for being taken as a serious artist and being liked by art enthusiast and my peers, it's all connected to my darn pride. I want to be proud of me by virtue of all these things.

The following pictures are my try at unconventional mixed media and I must say, the response has been fabulous and at the risk of sounding conceided, I'm proud of myself for trying something outside my comfort zone and I'm proud of the finished product! I tried something new and this has stoked some fire inside of me. I have all sorts of wacky areas I'd like to explore further. Wood, metal and paint....more of an abstract art installation. It's exciting times.

Take a look! What do you think?...what do you see? Do you hate it? (it's okay if you do, my pride will recover).....Do you love it? I'd love to hear your opinions...good, bad or indifferent; I welcome them all!

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